Announcements Business Education Leadership Life

Another Place: Living Water Leadership

I have been pondering what to do after my doctoral program for a while. I do have a number of outlets both at work and volunteering, but I have also been thinking through what to do with my research and continued study of leadership. I have finally come to some sort of idea … or at least an experiment.

Living Water Leadership is some part Substack publication, some part consulting business, and some part experiment around what can be done with slow, steady progress over time. At the moment I plan to write articles, post notes, offer consulting-like services, and see where it takes me. The introductory post, Introducing Living Water Leadership, provides a little bit of an intro to the entire endeavor, but there are not a lot of details to share at the moment.

The first series of articles will focus around some of the challenges facing higher education IT teams at this particular moment in time. Everyone in Higher Ed IT is not OK: Part 1 sets the stage for what I have been hearing over the past 12-18 months of speaking at various conferences and gatherings. Future articles will start to dive into how we might be able to meet these challenges in the future.

I do not plan on cross-posting items here unless there is a major announcement. I will also keep most of my leadership material over at that site. If you want to see those items, I’d recommend subscribing so that you do not miss anything.

This site will continue to be more of a hodgepodge of different topics over time of a personal nature.


Inadvertent Post

Earlier today a post I had originally published in 2010 was inadvertently updated and the published date moved to today. That was a mistake on my part.

That post was originally published in the summer 2010 when we were getting ready to move to the Milwaukee area. Since then we have moved back to Minnesota and we are not in the process of moving again.

Again, that was my fault.

Have a great week and watch those stray clicks and automation!

Announcements Business Education Life

And just like that …

graduation imageI know this blog has been extremely quiet over the past two years, but I am hoping to get back into writing a little bit more going forward …

… and that is because I completed my Master of Arts in IT Leadership from The College of St. Scholastica this past week and graduated on Saturday.  With that is the rear view mirror I can turn some of my attention to other things (like a new daughter, house improvements, my family, etc.). For now, I have updated my Now page.

So, hang tight!

Announcements Business Education Life Technology

What am I doing now?

Inspired by Derek Sivers and his /now page, I’ve added a /now page to this site as well. You’ll find a list of the things that I am spending my time on and I’ll attempt to periodically update that list a things shift in the future.

Also, you can visit to see a list of other /now pages.


Revealing Slow Gamers

I’ve been posting a little more about gaming here than I would really like to, so I thought it was about time to change how I do things.

Slow Gamers Logo

I’m announcing the start of Slow Gamers, a website dedicated  to gaming written by myself and my friend, Phil Wels. We’ll post news, previews, reviews, opinions, and other things on the site as time permits and as we can work through the games. The reason for being named “Slow Gamers” is because neither one of us has a ton of time to do things, so we work slowly.

I’ll be writing quite a bit about parenting and video games as that becomes a larger and larger part of my life. I’m going to keep most of my video game writing over there now, so don’t look for it here.