Announcements Business Education Leadership Life

Another Place: Living Water Leadership

I have been pondering what to do after my doctoral program for a while. I do have a number of outlets both at work and volunteering, but I have also been thinking through what to do with my research and continued study of leadership. I have finally come to some sort of idea … or at least an experiment.

Living Water Leadership is some part Substack publication, some part consulting business, and some part experiment around what can be done with slow, steady progress over time. At the moment I plan to write articles, post notes, offer consulting-like services, and see where it takes me. The introductory post, Introducing Living Water Leadership, provides a little bit of an intro to the entire endeavor, but there are not a lot of details to share at the moment.

The first series of articles will focus around some of the challenges facing higher education IT teams at this particular moment in time. Everyone in Higher Ed IT is not OK: Part 1 sets the stage for what I have been hearing over the past 12-18 months of speaking at various conferences and gatherings. Future articles will start to dive into how we might be able to meet these challenges in the future.

I do not plan on cross-posting items here unless there is a major announcement. I will also keep most of my leadership material over at that site. If you want to see those items, I’d recommend subscribing so that you do not miss anything.

This site will continue to be more of a hodgepodge of different topics over time of a personal nature.

Leadership Technology

Latest talks uploaded

The slide decks and resources from my latest talks have been uploaded and posted today. You can find my last talk at GusDay 2023, titled Leveraging Leadership for our Technology Teams, for your consideration.


Education Leadership Life

It feels a little surreal …

I received my bound dissertation copies after we got back from a conference this week and … it does feel a little surreal to see the work printed and bound in a physical artifact. I am used to working in the digital realm that having something like this to hold in my hands is just a little bit different.

Education Family Leadership Life

The Doctor is Done

In mid-February, after more than four years, I successfully defended by dissertation and completed my PhD in Leadership program at the University of the Cumberlands. As a break, I am taking some time to think about what this might mean for what I do with my research, this blog, by career, etc.

However, I do want to share a picture from right after the defense. I was not expecting my coworkers and family to be there to celebrate right after I had completed the degree and it was a really touching, if unexpected, gesture.

celebrating the completion of my doctorate

Put macOS on the iPad, you cowards

Put macOS on the iPad, you cowards by Monica Chin, The Verge

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and I would imagine that what is shared in this article is probably a shared opinion by a good number. Here is the central idea:

But now that the iPad Pro is an M1 system, I don’t see why it can’t run macOS apps. 

Not wrong, from a technical point of view. However, Apple, please don’t put macOS on the iPad. Please keep working on the iPad as the unique device that it currently is. I like the iPad where it currently sits.

She mentions the Surface Pro line of devices, and I know many who like them, but the schizophrenic nature of the device causes me more grief than either the iPad or any macOS device. There is a lot of iteration that needs to be done before the final, complete fusion of touch and non-touch devices.

This is, however, just my opinion.