
Changes to Comment System

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve changed the commenting system on the site from Disqus to Jetpack for WordPress (really, the standard WordPress commenting system … just the Jetpack enhancements).

Hopefully all of the old comments are still there and you will not notice any difference either.


Announcing Bob Speaks

You may have seen the first episode go out this morning, but I am officially announcing my own, personal, tiny podcast called Bob Speaks.

It will essentially just be my own thoughts on many different subjects … but kept to 15 minutes or less. I’m sure the first episodes will be terrible, but I hope that it will get better.

When it gets listed with iTunes, I’ll add the link to this site, but until then you can subscribe to the podcast-only feed at Otherwise, the episodes will also go out in the main feed for this site as well.

I hope you enjoy.

Announcements Life

My Hiatus

I’m hoping that I’ll get back into writing soon, but the past month has been filled with two things:

  1. Vacations
  2. Yard work

With the first birthday of our son coming up, things should slow down a little bit to allow me to write a little more. Until then, you can catch me on This One Podcast every week with two of my long-time friends.


Disqus Comments

Comments have been moved to Disqus so that I don’t really need to worry about them anymore, plus you are able to log in with other accounts (e.g. Twitter) and they handle the spam filtering as well.

The old comments should be exported over soon. Thanks!

Announcements Life Technology


So I finally just bit the bullet and put something out. After maybe four internal revisions and plenty of trial and error (and talking to myself), I have pushed out

There are going to be changes to the site in the future, but what you see right now is what you are getting until I find some more time to really sink my teeth into it. The main objective now is to actually start making some money and also get ready for the addition to our family come the end of July and other projects around here.

Tomorrow also marks the first unofficial gathering of tech people in New Ulm. It should be a good time and I am really looking forward to it. I’m hoping to have more information about that group in the future.

That’s about it at the moment. Thanks!