Life Technology

Walking to Work

Walking to Work by Sam Soffes

I have been walking to work recently and I am hoping that I can continue to do so more often than I have in the past. At the moment the walk is about 1.1 miles in one direction and takes me around 20 minutes to walk and takes me past my children’s elementary school and two other schools in town before I head up the hill to Martin Luther College.

I enjoyed this post quite a bit and right now I am looking at simplifying my carry up the hill which may include a smaller bag in some way. I was working with a messenger bag for a while, but then the lower back started flaring up again so I went back to my larger backpack. There are just so many options.

Gaming Life Technology

Apple Music Gains Soundtracks for Every Main Entry in the Final Fantasy Series

Apple Music Gains Soundtracks for Every Main Entry in the Final Fantasy Series by Mitchel Broussard

Alright Nintendo, the ball is now in your court. Work on licensing your huge backlog of soundtracks to various streaming services and get it done yesterday.

At least I know what I will have on in the background while I am working at home for a good long time.


Let Children Get Bored Again

Let Children Get Bored Again by Pamela Paul

The ability to handle boredom, not surprisingly, is correlated with the ability to focus and to self-regulate.

I can think of many boring summers on the farm and the endless number of books I ended up reading. I am very thankful for those uninterrupted stretches afforded me by my parents.

Education Life Technology

79. Self-Learning vs. Online Instruction

79. Self-Learning vs. Online Instruction

Research shows that online classes are most effective when there is substantial interaction among the students and between the students and the instructor. In this episode, Dr. Spiros Protopsaltis and Dr. Sandy Baum join us to discuss the possible adverse effects of proposed changes in federal regulations that may reduce the extent of this interaction.

This is a great episode which talks critically about how online education programs can also fail those same people they are meant to serve. For me, lost in some of the discussion around “access” is that online programs have allowed professionals like myself to pursue higher education degrees when I would have just stopped otherwise.

A lot of time and ink is given to other communities, and rightly so, but I am very thankful for the online opportunities that I have been given and is part of the reason that I continue to teach online as well.

Life Technology

scale is the enemy

scale is the enemy by Alan Jacobs

But that’s a feature, not a bug. Scale — as-big-as-possible, universal-not-local, something-for-everyone scale — is the enemy.

I am coming around to this way of thinking in many aspects of life … and even technology.