Cinematic Gaming Scores

IGN has an opinion piece from Kym Dillon on cinematic gaming scores and whether they are the best option for the video game medium. It is worth the read.

I’m a sucker for awesome music and tend to believe the only redeeming quality of the Star Wars Prequels is John Williams (and Ewan McGregor’s Obi Wan). I also love good video game music, but I ended up nodding to a lot of what Kym was writing.


Review | Mass Effect 3

Back in late 2007 Bioware released the original Mass Effect as the first of a three-game trilogy set in a fictional universe not all that different from our own.

Well, besides the fact that we were a minority race amongst many in the Milky Way galaxy and used Mass Relays to travel the huge distances.

Mass Effect 3 is the third (obivously) and final (by their estimation) game in this trilogy about a soldier named Shepherd and the galaxy’s battle against the mechanical menaces known as the Reapers.

However, you probably already know that. Let’s get into one of my Patent-Pending Short Reviews.

Mass Effect 3

Keep in mind, I played through under Role Playing and with a new game (as I did on the previous two games). Also, THERE ARE SPOILERS BELOW.

  • graphics look amazing — definitely the best-looking game of the three
  • controls seems a little bit better than the previous two games
  • weapons loadout is a good compromise between the endless boredom of Mass Effect and the seemingly inconsequential Mass Effect 2 way of handling your weapons
  • music is effective if sometimes a little bit too hidden — you are not going to be getting any catchy tunes out of this game, but that isn’t the point.
  • more than once I would sit quietly for five minutes or more and weigh a decision that had to be made — you’ll know them when you see them, and depending on how you playd the prior games you might be able to make different ones, but I’ve never just sat there and weighed a decision in a game like that
  • there are a TON of cameos from the earlier games, have fun trying to see them all
  • there are times when it really feels like this might be the end, where people are panicking and things are just falling apart, and then there are times when you forget that all civilized life is getting destroyed — a little jarring
  • the story is fairly linear with plenty of side quests to try and take care of
  • the main areas are VERY varied, which is great — aliens worlds seem to feel more alien this time
  • I never liked Udina
  • it is amazing how entire cultures can ignore your warnings and then when it finally happens, they ask you for favors — I mean, really
  • resources are minimized and are not as important as in the past, the focus is solely on the decisions that need to be made and the story
  • while not my favorite game of the three (that would now be Mass Effect 2 … much like Empire Strikes Back), it is a very good and fitting end to the trilogy

If you liked the first two games you are going to like Mass Effect 3, and even if you didn’t you would probably still like the game a lot if you enjoy good storytelling with good gameplay tacked on.

I did not play the multiplayer because … well … Mass Effect is a single player game.


Honestly, I liked it. I’m purposefully not going to read much of what other people are saying about the ending because, to me, the ultimate choice at the very end is perfectly fitting for what Bioware had been doing from the very beginning. The focus was on the choice to be made and what kind of “Shepherd” you wanted to be.

I chose to destroy the Reapers because that is what I was there to do. I might go back and replay all three of the games in order to try and fix a lot of the poor decisions that needed to be made, but even then, I am satisfied with the ending.

When given all three of the choices (control, destroy, or merge) it reflects on the universe that Bioware created as a whole. It started as a cut-and-dry organics vs synthetics romp through the first game and then began to blur a little bit with the second while Mass Effect 3 has you able to bring the Geth to your side to fight with you.

I’ll just stop while I’m behind.


I would recommend it to almost anyone, but it is a MUST PLAY for any fans of the first two. Ideally, you would play the first two games and then come into the last installment with all of the baggage.

Some Things Never Change

Fo who knows how many months in a row, the AMD Radeon 5770 takes the crown at the ~$110 level in Tom’s Hardware’s Best Graphics Cards For The Money.

I’ve been watching that list for months hoping that some other card from either major player would take the spot, but to no avail. The same card that I picked up a year ago for less than $100 still takes the crown.

To say I’ve been happy with my 5770 would be a gross understatement. Still, I’m disappointed that neither AMD nor Nvidia has seen it appropriate to produce a card that can beat it (the 6770 is just a rehashed 5770).

Mass Effect as High SciFi

While I might not agree with everything in this article, you owe it to yourself (if you are a Mass Effect fan) to read Why Mass Effect is the Most Important Science Fiction Universe of Our Generation by Kyle Munkittrick over at Pop Bioethics.

It’s long, but a lot of it touches on why I find the series so fascinating and engaging.

The “Short List” for Feb 2012

Go ahead and read my last “Short List” if you want to know what I am working from.


It’s time to look at my list again and do some revisions. It has been over six months and I’ve been playing a fair number of games during that time … but first, the ground rules:

  1. series can be a single entry if the games are linked in some way (e.g. Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 NOT Final Fantasy 3/6 and Final Fantasy 9
  2. must include games I’ve played through completely at least once
  3. the list is not in order of preference because I’m terrible at ordering things like this
  4. the list is strictly my opinion and I will be changing that opinion over time

Shall we?

Mass Effect series

Did you expect me to change this one? Still one of the best series of all time, and set in space (that’s awesome). With the third installment due in two weeks, I am excited to get back into this game and save Earth. I don’t think this series will be moving any time soon.

Dragon Age series

I’m including Dragon Age 2 here because I enjoyed it … a lot. Yes, it had its flaws (many), and it is nowhere near the game that Dragon Age: Origins was, but the game was ultimately very fun and I enjoyed the story because it was different. I hope that Bioware will gives this series the third installment that it deserves and that it will bring both of the main characters back into the story.

That would be epic.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask

This duo is not going anywhere. While it might have fallen from the #1 spot in my heart, there is no stronger tied games that you will find. Majora’s Mask is not just the same thing over again (like many sequels), but an entirely new adventure in an entirely new land with entirely new ways of interacting.

I’m hoping that Nintendo will redo Majora’s Mask like it has Ocarina of Time.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

I’ve already covered this game extensively, so there really isn’t much to get into. I think it is an amazing look at the Zelda universe and provides such a fun experience that it might be one of the few games that I play completely a second time.

Final Fantasy 3/6

There isn’t much to say that hasn’t been said. A huge cast of characters, epic story, truly evil villain, and amazing music all comes together in glorious 16 bits. If you haven’t played it, please go and play it.


My condolences to those who did not make the cut this time, but if the list gets much longer then the idea of it being short would go out the window. However, this will be ever-changing, so check back to see who makes the cut next time.