
More Gene Kelly

Last night was just a taste of Gene Kelly, here is some more material (including a documentary at the end):


Gene Kelly

Every now and then I’ll head over to YouTube and take a look at some Gene Kelly videos and I tend to come away with this thought: why can’t we have more of this in cinema today instead of what we are currently subjected to?

Great music. Great talent. Great charisma. Great fun.

Entertainment through and through.

Life Technology

Rethinking My Apps and Home Screen

Good article from Steve Best about how he has rethought his iOS home screen and simplified it. I’ve been slowly doing the same, but never cut it as drastically as he has.


However, I think I might need to take the scythe out and start to mow down the apps I have. Too much cruft and too many distractions.


Google Glass

J. D. Bentley over at Digital Asceticism pretty much mirrors my initial reaction to Google Glass from what I have seen, heard, and read.

Google Glass

One thing I had not put a lot of thought into is the why portion. He nails it pretty much on the head:

But what’s notable about Google Glass is that my dislike for it isn’t sustained primarily by my own unwillingness to use it, but my adamant opposition to being around those who do.

I will take another second to recommend his blog because it really is full of some really good insights into the intersection of technology and our lives.


Instacast for Mac

Oh. Yes.

Instacast for Mac

Instacast for Mac (Public Beta) has been released for the public! I’m pretty excited for this, and I already have it downloaded onto my Mac and am using it.

Seriously. Cool.