
George Lucas is an Idiot

I used to worship George Lucas because of the original Star Wars Trilogy.

However, I don’t think there is another person who has fallen out of favor with me as far as Lucas has over the years. It started with The Phantom Menace and has only gotten worse.

This article (from /Film), though, cements the decline as inexcusable. Here is the pertinent quote for you:

Entertainment blogger David Poland recalls Lucas’ comment on Wednesday at the Publicist’s Guild luncheon: “George Lucas, giving the award to Sid Ganis, who was the in-house publicist on Star Wars: Episode Five – The Empire Strikes Back, said, ‘Sid is the reason why The Empire Strikes Back is always written about as the best of the films, when it actually was the worst one.’”

Empire as the worst one? THE WORST ONE!? You’ve got to be kidding me.

No wonder the prequels were so terrible.


“The National Crops Edition”

I love Field Notes, and they just announced a new edition for their Colors line: “The National Crops Edition”.

Brings a smile to  my face.


Announcing the New Ulm Wiki Project

I am pretty happy to announce the start of the New Ulm Wiki Project.

At last night’s NUGeeks meeting I discussed getting something going with this because I had been thinking about it for a while. We are running the latest LocalWiki beta on my own virtual server and now I am looking for people who are willing to help with the project.

It is no big secret that I love New Ulm and I love what the city has to offer and I hope that through this project we will be able to catalog what is here for both the people of New Ulm (and the surrounding areas) as well as those who might be coming to visit or are just interested in the area.

If you want to help out, please email me and let me know. Otherwise, it IS a wiki, to please feel free to submit changes and edits to the site directly.


John Cleese on Creativity

This is one of the best videos I have seen on creativity. Please watch all of it.

UPDATE: The video has since been taken down. *sadface*

UPDATE II: You can find the video on YouTube … please watch it!


Doing Instead of Waiting

In an “oldie but a goodie” article, David Cain writes Does Your Story Have This Common Weakness?

Basically he is talking about deus ex machina and how it is not just found in literature, but also within the very lives that we live. Mainly, that we can end up living our lives waiting for something to happen instead of actively working to get things done.

At least that is what I got out of it. I’ll leave you to read the whole article and judge for yourself.